Catch waves, make art

The way I work with my creativity is similar to the way a surfer surfs. Everyday I go within and check the waves. What is the surf like and what waves are there to ride. I don’t believe you need to show up each day at the same time no matter what to make what you want to make. That feels like an outdated remnant of an industrial, capitalist way of operating (for me at least).

I’m interested in flow, connecting with cycles and honoring those cycles. I’m listening and connecting with creativity and asking it what openings are available today; what waves are there for me to ride.

Somedays there are big waves and I’m out for hours and others just little waves and maybe I’m only out for a bit. And other days there isn’t enough for me to go out at all. I honor this now. It feels like the healthiest, truest way for me to create. There is no resistance to win a war with, there is nothing war like about creating art for me, just a beautiful, supportive, creative force to align with.

Lisa Severino